Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Trendy Summer Tips for Girls

Hey Girls, as you can tell it is June! Meaning we are out of High School or College and we get to have our summer jobs and be tan :)

I've been having a great first week of summer so far, I've been working out daily, eating healthy, getting tan ;), and been having fun with friends.

There are a few tips that I would like to share with you, to make this summer easy, unforgettable and just hassle free.


 1. This summer, try not to use that much heat on your hair, since its warm outside let your hair air dry and this will help it not get damaged as much.

2. If you want cute beach waves, instead of using a curling iron or crimpper, try finding a sea salt that you can use in your hair to recreate the beach hair look.

3. Use a mask on your hair at LEAST once a month. This mask should be a deep conditioning mask, and you may wonder why you need this? Well, your hair has been damaged by the iron you've used all winter and the its dry from the winter and from the humidity that is starting to kick in. There is a great sample of Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Mask, that is at ulta and you can try for only $4.


1. During the Summer I try not to use as much makeup as I do in the Winter and Fall. This helps because when I go swimming I don't have to worry about mascara running down my face. Or when its a hot day I don't have to worry about my foundation coming off and being blotchy. I encourage you to do this.

2. When you are done working out or even tanning outside, and you don't want to take a shower just yet because you HAVE to do something else, make sure to use a towel (or i use a moist makeup wipe) to wash your face and your back off ( or where ever you sweat). This helps to make you less acne prone and makes sure your skin isn't dirty when it drys.

3. Use a mask or exfoliate every week. If you use a nice face mask on your face every week it helps with the breakouts and gets your pores very clean, and who doesn't want that? And what I mean by exfoliate, I mean to get a gentle face scrub like this one from target, its a scrub that guarantees to exfoliate your skin. Its called Up & Up Apricot Scrub and its only $2, its worth to try it for that price!!


1. Know your skin! If your skin gets dry from the sun, bring a hydrating lotion with you in your car or purse/ beach bag. If your skin gets oily make sure to bring blotting papers with you or moist wipes so you wipe off that sweat.

2. DON'T BE DUMB IN THE SUN! If you are outside at the beach, tanning, or you just know you're going to be outside for a while, don't cheat your skin. This means, if you know you burn a lot then put on sunscreen, today is not going to be different from the other days you got burnt. If you only burn on your face then make sure to put it on that area. Be smart with your skin, you don't want to get burnt and have to go through the consequences. 

3. While shaving, make sure to do it right. You probably wonder, "How can you shave wrong?". You can! First, don't use a razor that doesn't do the job or is too dull. Second, if you break out by using shaving cream or soap then don't use them, just shave in the shower with plain water.Third, NEVER use scented lotion, it will MAKE you break out, no matter how good it may smell, just wait 2 or 3 hours then put it on.


1. Summer is the time to take care of your body , because more people are going to see it. You're going to wear shorts and tank tops that shows more of your skin, than the coat and pants you were wearing in the winter. This means that you need to know where you are with your body. Are you perfect just the way you are ( which everyone totally is in my sight)? Do you need a flatter stomach or want toner legs?  Then make it your goal over the summer to work on those things so that you can feel COMFORTABLE in your body.

2. Try to say away from the icy cold treats. I know they are TEMPTING! and all you may want is to have that ice cream that is calling your name while you are blazing hot. But fight the urge and if you do splurge then make sure that its not too calorie packed and if it is, then make sure that you know that its only a one time treat that you can only have on a certain day or once a month. CONTROL YOURSELF!

3. DRINK THAT WATER! Make sure to keep hydrated, to help your body grow and stay nourished. It hot outside and the more you workout and have fun and sweat you're losing that water that was in your body. It also helps to clear your skin :) so drink plenty of water.

 My last tip is to just HAVE FUN! You don't have to worry about school and you can finally relax! Make the most of it, don't get caught into drama or over pack your schedule so you are stressing out! Try to make it as simple and easy as possible. 

It goes by fast, don't let it slip away, live EVERY moment like it's your last one and take a few minutes a day to just close your eyes and let your mind take you AWAY!

Until Next Time!

<3 Sarah 
